10 Items for Acting President Dr. Jonathan to Implement and ensure more Good luck for the Nation

As Deputy Governor, his transition to head the affairs of the state was timely, unquestionable and fully backed by law. As Acting President, all quoted relevant sections of the constitution seem to be in his favor either by omission of adoption or adoption by omission.  The conclusion to all these events is that one can never underestimate having all the “Patience” and “Goodluck” the world can offer.

However, as an educated leader, one who can be classified as having earned his degree through proper written papers, thesis and adoption of research, the general populace expects an analytic and constructive tenure devoid of partisanship and favoritism. He had earlier been a victim to the volatile nature of a suppressed generation when his father’s home was bombed in the heat of the Niger delta crisis.

I have listed 10 items which in my view would show some aggressive show of actualizing the agenda targeted towards the masses.

1.       1. UNSCHEDULED VISITS TO COMATOSE INFRASTRUCTURE; the president should not hang around his comfort zone but must make immediate plans to visit ailing infrastructure that are obviously affecting the economic growth of the Nation. Such would include FEDERAL HIGHWAYS ACROSS the nation; Lagos-Abuja via Ibadan and Ilorin, Benin-Shagamu, Apapa-Oshodi, Murtala Mohammed Airport-Oshodi, Warri-Port Harcourt…

2.       UNSHEDULED VISIT TO STATE GOVERNORS; Mr. President must hold State Governors accountable to its citizens and should be able to explain how excess crude oil revenue is being spent. It’s not enough to show commissioned projects such as bore holes or classrooms on the pages of newspapers.

3.       EMBARK ON A MICROSCOPIC ANALYSIS OF THE OPERATIONS OF DPR AND NNPC; there have been reported cases of ineptitude, misappropriation of federal resources and abuse of office by some elements within the institution and all to the detriment of citizens of the Nation.

4.       ACTIVATE THE RED PHONE-SPEAK TO OTHER WORLD LEADERS; there must be effective diplomatic resolutions and communication between nations that have us in there black books especially the recent inclusion in the TW 14. Mr. President should use his office to create a renewed awareness of the good of the Nation as well as re establish our rightful position on the diplomatic world map as a peaceful and law abiding loving nation.  This may also include properly planned and scheduled State Visits to some Nations.

5.       HEALTH SECTOR; There is no harm in following up on the positive policies of the previous leadership. The health sector is extremely key to economic growth and stability of the Nation. Malaria has assumed a frightening epidemic level. Mosquito’s have been allowed to breed unabated despite all the efforts and studies. Child mortality is high.  Conditions at the general hospitals are embarrassing. HEALTH!!! This can no longer be a playground for professional opportunists and schemers.

6.       ELECTRIC POWER GENERATION; We live in a world where there is so much research into alternative sources of power. Green energy is the way to go. The irony however is that Nigeria has the resources to generate power through traditional means such as water and gas but, but…Mr. President, you have a chance to leave your name in the good sands of time. The Nation is suffering. The Generator companies are smiling to the banks and indirectly killing the Nation through pollution. It is sad to note that Government parastatals patronize such companies. What prevents us from tapping the sun’s energy by producing our own solar panels locally; what about geo thermal energy sources that abound throughout the southern coast line?

7.       PORTABLE WATER; should this be left in the hands of the State Government? It’s not enough to sink boreholes. What about purification systems? Treatment plants? What happened to the World Bank assisted projects some years ago?

8.       MEET WITH THE MASSES; travel to villages, seek the citizen’s views on national issues, listen to them, call for productive dialogues. You must be very mobile. You should be able to visit a locality in every state every week. This is about visibly analyzing the living conditions of the masses.

9.       JOB CREATION; this can be achieved through implementation of policies that would allow for production of goods and services within the nation. Agriculture is a key element. Manufacturing of consumables, assembling of machinery; it is unimaginable that Nigeria once had two vehicle manufacturing plants, had five functional refineries; calculate how many individuals can be gainfully employed if all the mentioned industries were functional?

10.   PRIVATE SECTOR INITIATIVES; Nigeria is a Nation of brilliant individuals with brilliant ideas that are poised at exploiting the private sector giving favorable operating conditions. This is not the time for suppressive reforms. The Federal Government should encourage and build upon its capacity by partnering with the private sector on projects such as housing, transportation, power generation and Agriculture.


President Dr. Goodluck Jonathan, Kindly permit me to congratulate you and hoping that you are already working on the listed agenda to ensure the support of the citizens of Nigeria. You must have realized by now that Nigerians are not easy to please but the provision of certain key needs would go a long way towards actualizing a stronger and potentially viable super power.


Pidgin conclusion: Bros Presido, Abeg make u never forget your door mot o! Dem don say you be minority person. Our creator don talk say na the meek go inherit dis earth. Na strong head you suppose use handle we peoples.  Check am well o! From deputy Gov. to Commander-in- Chief. No be clear eye. Handle am well well. We dey pray for you.


Tosan Aduayi is the Publisher of Trendy Africa USA and Nigeria and writes from Lagos. He can be reached on; info@trendyafrica.com 



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