25 years of Marital Bliss

It’s no secret that staying married for 25 years in today’s world is worth celebrating. For Festus and Maureen Madubuike, the silver jubilee of their marriage was worth celebrating. Close family and friends gathered at their modest McKinney residence to enjoy great hospitality. Not even the stormy forecast and eventual downfall could deter the quality crowd of well-wishers with the ladies decked out in lovely red ensembles and the gentlemen in black ties and dashing tuxedo’s. After prayers of thanks, sumptuous cuisine and canapes, it was dance all the way with music supplied by Houston based DJ SM95. Stay tuned for an exclusive on the hardworking couple’s success story. 

Festus and Maureen

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More photos soon.

by Tosan Aduayi and Spencer for Trendy Africa Magazine


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