Bose Trendybeads Birthday bash

She is probably one of the most talked about fashionista’s in Dallas. Her works are skillfully crafted and are worn by Diva’s in the USA. A typical characteristic about Bose “Trendybeads” Ogundipe is her work ethic, attention to details and most of all, her ability to run a home with three grown up children. From costume jewelries, custom attires to facial make over, one can comfortably describe Bose as an enigma of the beauty business. She recently hosted friends; most of whom who arrived from Houston (her former base), to a birthday bash at the popular ASO ROCK in Dallas.


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All Photos by XRISS GRAPHIXS Photographi. Additional input by Tosan Aduayi for Trendy Africa Magazine. Trendy Africa Magazine is an award winning media that exhibits a niche at qualitative presentation and professional reporting. Contact;

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