2 inches above sea level: A community Outreach

For many, this would be millions of miles away from your regular comfort zone. For many others, this is home. Just as I tried to balance my Nike Shoes on a set of interlocking planks, here comes a very young three year old boy. He dashes past me holding an empty coke bottle, meanders through a network of wooding plank pathways and disappears behind a wall of hung clothing’s. Makoko; a Lagos slum was the destination for my group. The Kolawole Oyeyemi led community outreach team arrived in three vans with an assortment of bagged food items and on-shelf medicines.


Tagged ‘Grace Project’, the team from the Chapel of Uncommon Grace Church managed a tour of the community by walking a distance of about 1 kilometer of the over 7 kilometers of make shift plank pathways/bridges built on the Lagos Lagoon. Makoko is a community built directly on the lagoon.


The team formed into groups and handed out hundreds of the items to numerous members of the community whom had waited patiently under the midday sun. The experience was surely an experience to the group whom from lots of feedback gave a new meaning to life. With just above 2 inches above sea level and a thin line between murky water and dry land, a needy community received a helping hand.

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photo by Tosan Aduayi

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