International Association of African NGOs 2013 Conference

Maryland recently played host to the International Association of African Non-Governmental Organizations annual conference which held between the 5th and 7th of September, 2013. Delegates from the United States, Africa, Latin America, and the Caribbean attended the conference at the Rockville Hilton Hotel. The theme of the conference is “Empowering NGOS through Awareness in the Age of Globalization.”
First Lady of Oyo State, Nigeria Mrs. Florence Ajimobi, Dr. Agorom Dike
The International Association of African NGOS is an organization whose mission is to create global awareness for member NGOs through networking and to assist member NGOS in enhancing their programs and activities. They also seek to partner NGOS and businesses in the United States with those in developing countries.
The conference also seeks to bring together individuals from different races, gender and ethnicity to discuss issues ranging from capacity building for NGOS, empowering NGOS with technology and other developmental issues in developing countries.  It provided a forum for interaction with government, diplomatic and business leaders from various countries, as well as from our local governments and citizenry from Maryland, DC and Virginia areas.
First Lady of Cross River State, Mrs. Obioma Liyel Imoke, Kemi Onanuga
“This is a conference designed to further empower NGOS and to strengthen educational, and commercial ties between the United States and developing countries”, says Joyce Halliday, Executive Director of the International Association of African Non-Governmental Organizations.
Some of the distinguished speakers and participants included;  Dr. Sarah Jibril, Special Adviser to the president of Nigeria on ethics and values, Abuja, Nigeria,  Ms. Michelle Kato, Deputy Director, Office of Minority Health, U.S. Dept of Health and Human Services, Washington, DC, Ms. Seema  Aziz, First Lady of Cross River State, Mrs. Obioma Liyel Imoke and First Lady of Oyo State, Mrs. Florence Ajimobi.
Other’s include; Dr. Abayomi Ajayi, President Nordica Nigeria, Dr. Ijeoma Otigbua, Professor and Chair, Dept of Biology, Physical Education and Health Sciences, Montgomery College, Germantown, Maryland and special Adviser to President Obama’s task force on HIV/Aids, President Joyce Banda of Malawi among others.
A multicultural awards banquet and extravaganza brought the conference to a close.
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By Emeka Ndolo, Tina Moss, Tosan Aduayi and Stefanie Manns for Trendy Africa Magazine – 817 622 8882

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