Otunba Sam Dipeolu attracts Royals to his Golden Jubilee Carnival

HOUSTON – DP as he is fondly known gave his all in terms of hospitality to hundreds of admirers who thronged Houston in droves for a three day 50th birthday celebration. Amongst witnesses were HRM Oba Babatunde Ogunlaja (JP) the Aladeshonyin of Odo Noforija Kingdom who was also the father of the day at the very elaborate event.

Otunba Sam Dipeolu, the Bobaseye of Odonoforija Kingdom Epe-Lagos was full of life as he redefined the phrase; age is nothing but a number”. He was as athletic and active as any young man in his twenties. Well, only his household would know how many tubes of “hot rub” he may have applied preceeding the event.

his darling Wife Olori Taiwo Dipeolu was on hand to ensure that all proceedings went on according to plan. There was also an overwhelming presence of members of Eko Club International who came in from Canada, Europe, Nigeria and various cities in the USA. The Event surely lived up or acutally surpassed expectations. Kudos.


Curtesy of Chief Bukola Williams-Yeye Shewa of Noforija Kingdom.

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