RCCG HOF Arlington Hosts the Dedication of Jasmine and Jolene Aduayi

ARLINGTON – Pastor Ropo Tusin emphasized that it was the responsibility of parents to raise their children in a Godly manner which would ultimately reflect on the outcome of the child’s future. This emphasis was re established at the dedication of the Aduayi Twin daughters in Arlington Texas recently.

The ceremony which was performed during the second service witnessed an overwhelming turnout of family, friends and well wishers. The glory of God was firmly visible as the Pastor mentioned that left to him, he would dance and praise till the end of the day. Washington based Soprano singer Abiodun Koya dedicated a special rendition to the family and also to the delight of guests.

Special thanks to the Pastor and members of RCCG HOF Arlington who made the day special; Kemi Sobo, Chibuzor Okonta; Uche Ogbonna who rushed back from a Houston trip to photograph the event(sorry about the missing phone); Abiodun Koya for the short notice appearance; OAU Alumni Dallas members; PACS class mates and all those who showed much love to the family. God Bless.

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