Senator Lee Meaba: Patriotism, Protection and National Prosperity

Senator Lee Meaba has distinguished himself through his selfless service in the current administration. His contribution to the national and state economy is embedded in his numerous bills in the Senate.  


By far the most enduring legacy of Senator Lee Maeba today is the passage into law, the Act to provide for the Development of Nigeria Content in the Nigerian Oil and Gas Industry which he sponsored in the Senate.



The Act gives Nigerian independent operators first consideration in the award of oil blocks, oil field licenses, oil lighting licenses, and in all projects for which contract is to be awarded in the nation’s oil and gas industry.



Senator Lee Maeba; Chairman senate committee on Petroleum resources (up-stream) is a man that has show patriotism, has ensured protection and has stood out for the prosperity of the Nation and its Nationals.


The distinguished Senator counts on you for continuity in 2011 as he is prepared to carry on the tasks under the flag of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP). Vote for a tested achiever, vote for a better Nigeria.


Signed – Bryma Oya (Campaign Committee)


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